Friday, May 18, 2012

Ktory/Ktora...Who is who?

A tu takie porownanie, na jednym zdjeciu Kuba, na drugim Marysia...ale ktore jest ktore?

Here is a little comparison, one is a picture of Kuba and the other of Marielle...but who is who?

Druga wizyta u lekarza/ Second visit at the doctor's

Dzisiaj pojechalysmy ( z ciocia Gosia) do pediatry. Mala rozwija sie piknie, rosnie jak na drozdzach. Od ostatniego razu (10 dni temu) przybylo jej ponad pol kilo, wiec dzisiaj wazyla 3870g, urosla 2 cm, czyli mierzy 54 cm i glowka jej troszeczke urosla. Takze rosnie zdrowo, kolejna wizyta jak bedzie miala 2 meisiace, czyli w lipcu.

Today we went to the doctor's (with Gosia). Baby girl is growing fast. Since the last visit she gained over a pound, so today she was 8 lbs and 8.5 oz. She grew an inch in length, so she is now 21 1/4 inch and her head grew a little. So, she is growing well, and we have the next visit when she will be two months old, so July.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Marysia ma juz ponda dwa tygodnie i jak to zwykle, nie wiadomo jak to sie dzieje ze czas tak szybko plynie. Ciagle uczymy sie jej sygnalow i ja uczymy rutyny w ciagu dnia i nocy. Goska przyjechala do nas na pare dni zeby pomoc nam to wszystko ogranac, bo jednak perspektywa bardzo sie zmienia po dwoch tygodniach nieprzespanych nocy i trzezwy, wyspany umysl bardzo pomaga. Takze znowu jestesmy na prostej:) Ponizej zdjecia malej, jak rowniez zdjecie z pierwszego spaceru w parku jak i pierwszej kapieli, ktora to przespala i obudzila sie dopiero na ubieranie w pizamke:)

Marielle is over two weeks old and as usual, nobody knows how come the time flies so quickly. We are still learning her cues  and we are teaching her a day and night routine. Gosia came over for a few days to help us figure things out, since our perspective is very much altered by two weeks of  (almost) sleepless nights, and her clear and rested mind helped a lot. So, we are back in business:) Below, some pictures of the baby. Also included are pictures from the first walk in the park and first bath that she slept through almost entirely. She woke up for being dressed up in a pj:)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dziekujemy! Thank you very much!

Dziekujemy bardzo wszystkim za zyczenia !!!

Thank you very much for all your best wishes!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pierwsza wizyta u lekarza/ First doctor's visit

Dzisiaj bylismy na pierwszej wyzycie u pediatry. Mala pieknie rosnie, przybrala na wadze podowoja ilosc wagi niz przecietnie w tym czasie sie przybiera, takze raz dwa wroci do pierwotnej wagi urodzeniowej i dalej bedzie rosla. Inne wymiary sie nie zmienily. Teraz mamy zadanie zeby jej odwrocic noce i dnie, zeby bardziej spala w nocy a mniej w dzien, takze dzisiaj probowalismy zeby byla obudzona w ciagu dnia, zobaczymy czy pomoze. Rowniez zdjecie wdzinka Holzika z porodu, na ktorym odbili malej stopki.

Today we went for the first pediatrician visit. She is growing beautifully, she gained twice the average amount of  ounces in this time period, so she will be back to her birth weight in no time, and then grow beyond that quickly. Other parameters have not changed. Now, our task is to reverse the day and night confusion for her, so she sleeps more at night and less during the day, so today we tried to keep her up more during the day, we will see if that did anything tonight. I also put a picture of Halsey's scrubs with her footprints.

Jedziemy do lekarza/ On the way to the doctor's

Obudzona/ Awake
 Patrze/ I am looking
Wdzinako Holzika/ Halsey's scrubs

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pierwsza noc w domu/ First night at home

Jestesmy od wczoraj w domu, no I jak na dobra corke przystalo, mala dala nam wczoraj popalic troszke, bo nie mogla spac w jednym ciagu, ale tuz po polnocy zmieniala sie z powrotem w nasza Marysie I poszla pieknie spac I od tej pory spi bardzo ladnie, takze ja tez sie moglam przespac I newet mam chwile zeby na blogu napisac. Takze trzymamy kciuki ze sie znowu dzisiaj nie zamieni w jakies inne dziecko:) So we have been home since yesterday, and the baby did what she was supposed to,which is not sleeping well last night, but right after midnight, she changed back into our Marielle, and slept very well. She has been sleeping beautifully since then, so I could rest and even have some time to post on the blog:). So fingers crossed that she won't turn back into some other baby again:)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pierwszy usmiech i calus/ First smile and a kiss

Dzisiaj do Maryski przyszlo duzo gosci i udalo sie zlapac pare minek, czyli usmiech (tak tak wiemy ze to tylko gaz), no i calusek...ciocia Alyshia byla taka szybko i pstryknela te zdjecia :)

Today Marielle had a lot of guests and we managed to catch a few of the faces that she was making, so we have a smile (yes, yes we know that it is only gas), and a kiss....auntie Alyshia was fast enough to catch it on camera:)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Marielle/ Marysia

No to w koncu wydarzylo sie to co na co czekalismy przez ostatnie 9 miesiecy i wy czekaliscie z nami.
2 Maja o 9.56 rano tutejszego czasu przyszla na swiat Marielle (Marysia) Krystyna Bounds. Mala wazyla 3, 500 kilo i mierzyla 52 cm wzrostu.  Jestesmy od tego czasu w szpitalu i jak na razie wszystko idzie dosyc spokojnie. Marysia je bardzo ladnie, nauczyla sie jesc z piersi bardzo szybko i jak na razie dobrze spi. Oglada swiat troche i troche marudzi, czyli zupelnie normalny noworodek. Zalaczamy zdjecia ponizej, a od niedzielu bedziemy w domu, wiec wtedy pokazemy jak jej sie w domu podobalo.

So, it finally happened, the thing that we have been waiting on for the past 9 months and you have been waiting with us. On May 2nd at 9.56 am local time, Marielle Krystyna Bounds was born. She was 7lbs and 12 oz, and she was 20, 5 inches long. Ever since then, we have been in the hospital and so far, so good. Marielle eats very well, she learned to breastfeed very quickly, and she has been sleeping very well. She is watching the world, and she occasionally fusses, just like a normal newborn. Pictures are below, and staring Sunday we'll be home , so we will show you how she liked the house.

With Auntie Gosia

Daddy ready for the surgery