Thursday, January 17, 2013

Prawie/ Almost

Maryska jest w stadium "prawie", czyli zaczela prawie raczkowac, bo raczkuje do tylu. Zaczela prawie mowic "mama" bo mowi "nana." Mozna to zobaczyc na filmku ponizej. Poza tym zlapalismy na filmie, jak przybija piatke, wiec to na drugim filmiku. Poza tym pare zdjec z ostatnich czasow. Mala zaczela pic z kubeczka z dziubkiem, wiec butelki juz niedlugo znikna.

Marielle is in the "almost" stage. She is almost crawling, as she is doing it backwards. She is almost saying "mama", because she is saying "nana". You can see both on the first movie. Moreover, we have it on video how she gives high five. And a few pictures from the last few days. She started to drink form sippy cups, so the bottles will be history soon.

 Here, she is holding a card for auntie Gosia for her birthday. BTW, the smile is almost identical to uncle Cameron's when he was little:)
Tutaj mala trzyma kartke na urodziny cioci Gosi, a jej usmiech na tym zdjeciu jest prawie identyczny z usmiechem wujka Camerona jak byl taki maly.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

12 i pol minuty z zycia Maryski/ 12 and a half minutes of Marielle's life

Ponizej filmik bardzo dlugi z roznymi momentami z zycia Marysi z ostatnich paru tygodni. Tylko dla wytrwalych:)

Below, I put a long movie with various moments from Marielle's life in the last few weeks. Only for those who have the stamina to watch the whole 12 and half minutes:) Enjoy!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Guard Dog/ Pies obronny

Maryska wydaje ostatnio dzwieki, ktore nie do konca brzmia jak ludzkie:) Na przyklad, kiedy Holzik wrocil do domu, zaczela na niego warczec niczym pies obronny.
Poza tym Marysia prawie, prawie raczkuje, juz pare razy jak sie dobrze kiwnela to nogi sie przesunely, podnosi kolana i raczki do gory. Zaczela wyciagac raczki jak sie ja podnosi. Nauczylismy ja rowniez przybijac piatke, ale jeszcze nie mamy na filmie:)

Lately, Marielle is making sounds that don't completely sound like human sounds. For example, when Halsey came back home, she started to growl at him, just like a good guard dog.
She is almost, almost crawling, a few times now, she rocked forward and the legs moved:) She is also lifting her hands and knees, so we are almost there. She started to reach out her arms when you are about to pick her up. We taught her how to give a high five, but we don't have it on a video yet:)