Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween, babbling, and other stuff/ Halloween, gaworzenie i inne takie

Ostatnio bardzo zajeta bylam robota, wiec dzisiaj bardziej podsumowanie ostatnich tygodni. Mala obraca sie we wszystkie strony jak i rowniez wokol wlasnej osi. Siedzi bez problemu na wysokim krzeselku, kanapie, albo kolanach, a uczy sie sama siedziec (na razie popiera sie raczkami). Dzisiaj zaczela gaworzyc po raz pierwszy, wiec dodala nowe dzwieki do repertuaru. Poza tym je sobie warzywka i owoce, ktore jej robie sposobem domowym, czyli ugotowane, zmielone i mrozone w tackach na lod i potem do woreczkow, to sie latwo i szybko odgrzewa:) A dzisiaj na Halloween przebralismy ja za malpeczke, a tata byl za kogos kto straszy. We wtorek idziemy do lekarza, wiec wtedy beda dane bierzace.

I was real busy lately at work, so here is a summary of the last few weeks. Marielle is turning over everywhere and in circles too. She is sitting good in her high chair, on the couch, or on your lap, but she is learning how to sit on her own (she is using her hands for support). Today she started to babble, so there are new sounds added to her repertoire. Besides that, she is eating veggies and fruit, which I make her at home by steaming, blending, freezing in icecube trays and putting them in ziplocks. This way they are easy to store and reheat. Today, for Halloween we dressed her up as a monkey, and Halsey was dressed up as someone scary. We are going to the doctor's on Tuesday, so current measurements will follow.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Nowy Fryz/ New Haircut

Przyszedl czas na zmiane, wiec zmienilam fryzure:) Wyniki ponizej.

The time has come for a change, so I changed my hair:) Results below.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

5 miesiecy/ 5 months

Mala skonczyla juz 5 miesiecy! Jak zwykle, nie wiadomo jak to coraz wiecej papek, eksperymentujemy z warzywkami i owocami na razie. Juz pare razy przewrocila sie z plecow na brzuch, ale jeszcze nie udalo sie zlapac na filmie. Ponizej, pare najnowszych zdjec , niektore troche niewyrazne, bo mala caly czas sie rusza:)

So, she is 5 moths old now. As usual, nobody knows when and how it happened...she is eating more and more baby food, and we are now experimenting with veggies and fruit. She rolled over from her back to belly a few times now, but we haven't caught it on camera yet. Also recent pictures , some of them are not sharp because she is moving all the time:)

 Przed kapiela/ before her bath