Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall Update/ Jesienne wiesci

Semestr zaczal sie w sierpniu i czas na pisanie na blogu diametralnie sie zmniejszyl rowniez w sierpniu. Wiec dzisiaj duzo zdjec i filmikow z ostatnich miesiecy. Marysia coraz wieksza, doroslejsza, mowi caly czas w ktoryms jezyku o czyms bardzo ciekawym. Wlosy rosna jak szalone i nadal sie kreca.

The Fall semester started in August, which diminished my time to spend on blogging. So, you get lots of pictures and videos to catch up with the last few months. Marielle is growing good, and growing up, she talks in one of the languages constantly about very interesting things that are happening around her. The hair is getting really long and is still curling!

W koncu znam imiona Kuby i Poli
I finally know Kuba and Pola's names


 "Baby sitting" friend's baby

 Daddy's birthday

 Eating seeweed

 Big girl chair

 Tea party with daddy

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Swimming/ Plywanie

Tego lata zapisalismy Marysie na lekcje plywania, chodzila przez okolo miesiac i nauczyla sie przede wszystkim nie bac wody....a szczegoly mozecie zobaczyc na filmiku. I jeszcze pare innych momentow z ostatnich tygodni na zdjeciach.

We signed up Marielle for swim lessons this summer. They lasted for about a month and she learned not to be afraid of can see more details of her progress on the video below. And a few more pictures from the last few weeks.

Last day in her classroom before she moved up
Ostatni dzien w grupie w przedszkolu zanim zaczela w starszej grupie

 County fair