Monday, October 31, 2011

12 tygodni/12 weeks

Dzisiaj bylismy na USG. Wszystko przebiega zgodnie z planem, dziecko rozwija sie jak powinno. Niestety technologia nie jest nam dzisiaj sprzyjajaca, bo czesc filmu sie nie nagrala i nie mialam jak sie bawic w obrobke filmu. Takze dwie czesci. W pierwszej czesci widac jak sie rusza, glowa z lewej, nogi z prawej.

Today we went to another ultrasound. Everything is going according to the plan, the baby is growing as should be. Unfortunately, technology was not on our side today, and part of the movie didn't record, and then I couldn't edit what I have, so you can see two parts. In part one of the movie you can see how the baby is moving. Head on the left and legs on the right.

W tej czesci filmiku lekarz sprawdzal czy mozna okreslic juz plec (jak na razie wyglada ze dziewczynka!), a potem widac jak sie rusza i majta nogami:). Na nastepny idziemy 12 Grudnia i wtedy bedzie wiadomo czy na pewno dziewczynka, czy jednak chlopak

In this part of the movie the doctor was looking if he can determine the gender of the baby yet (so far looks like a girl!), and then you can see the baby moving and kicking. We have the next ultrasound on Dec 12, and then we will know if this is a girl for sure, or maybe a boy after all. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nowy Fryz/ New Haircut

No to dzisiaj bylam u nowej fryzjerki i takie to rezultaty:)

So, I went to a new hairdresser, and here are the results:)

Friday, October 21, 2011


Dzisiaj mielismy pierwszy przymrozek w nocy i tylko kilka stopni rano, jak widac na zdjeciach. Kurtka zimowa jak najbardziej w uzyciu, chociaz wiekszosc moich studentow nadal w japonkach...nie poddaja sie :)

Today we had the first frost at night and only in the 40s in the morning, as you can see on the pictures. Winter jacket was needed, although most of my students still wear flip-flops....they just don't give up:)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10 tygodni/ 10 weeks

No to minelo juz 10 tygodni i dzisiaj na kolejnej wizycie u lekarza wszystko poszlo jak nalezy. Dziecko jest teraz rozmiaru sliwki, jakos tak jest ze miara sa owoce albo warzywa:) No a u nas juz po zbiorach w ogrodku, jak widac na zdjeciu. No i zalaczam zdjecie nasze i moje z Kuby urodzin w zeszlym tygodniu, ciaza dobrze robi na wlosy, wiec nawet mi sie ladnie zakrecily:)

Well, it has been 10 weeks now and at the today's doctor's visit everything went well. The baby is the size of a plum now, as it seems that comparison to veggies and fruit is the appropriate way to go. And speaking off, we have harvested our veggies from the garden, as you can see in the picture. I have also put a picture of us and me  from Kuba's birthday party last week. It seems that the pregnancy is very good for the hair, so I actually got them to curl nicely:)