Friday, April 20, 2012

Cisza w eterze/ Silence on the blog

No to zostaly dwa tygodnie do porodu malej i tak jak przed wyborami, tak i tutaj mamy cisze w eterze do porodu. Nastepne zdjecia bede juz malej na blogu, bo ja czuje sie jak spuchniety wieloryb, wiec nie za bardzo chce taki widok upamietniac. Wedlug szacunkow mala powinna wazyc w tej chwili okolo 3.5 kilo, wiec zobaczymy jak sie urodzi jak dokladne te szacunki byly. Czujemy sie dobrze jak na dziewiaty miesiac, czyli zmaczone, pokopane, spuchnite i spiace. Ale rowniez podeskscytowani, szczesliwi (ze koniec juz blisko) i lekko spanikowani (ze koniec juz blisko). W przyszy wikend ciocia Gosia przyjedzie nam pomoc dom przygotowac do konca, no i potem juz tylko skonczyc robote, zrobic sie na bostwo i czekac na wyznaczony termin. Mam jeszcze tydzien zajec, takze odliczam dni gdy juz nie bede musiala jechac na kampus. Moim marzeniem ostatnimi czasy jest chodzenie caly dzien w pizamie i zebym nie musiala sie malowac, ubierac w normalne ciuchy i z chaty wychodzic...Gocha mowi, zebym uwazala o czym marze, bo mi sie spelni:)

So, we have two weeks till the delivery and just like right before the elections we are starting silence on the blog. Next time you will see pictures on the blog, they will be of the baby girl, since I feel like a bloated whale and I am not particularly thrilled to keep images like that on the blog. According to out estimations the baby is about 7lbs now, and when she is born, we will see how accurate the estimations were. We do feel good as for nine months pregnant, which means we are tired, kicked, swollen, and sleepy. But at the same time excited and happy (that the end is coming soon), and slightly freaked out (that the end is coming soon). Next weekend auntie Gosia is coming to Athens to help us finish preparing the house, and then all I have left to do is to finish working, look gorgeous, and wait for the date. Next week is the last week of classes, and I am counting the days down until the last day I have to be on campus. Lately, I dream about days that I can just spend wearing pjs, don't have to put make up on or put on normal clothes and go anywhere. Gocha says to be careful what you wish for because it may come true:)


  1. Kochana, juz niedlugo nie bedzie czasu na ubranie sie, makijaz czy wychodzenie z domu :) Czyli jakk mowi Gosia - wszystko sie spelni :))

    1. No i pewno bedzie mi sie podobalo..przez jakis czas:)

  2. No właśnie, masz zadziwiającą umiejętność spełniania własnych marzeń. Zatem - słuchaj M.

  3. You still have a lot of time to feel sleepy...less time to actually sleep ;) The first two weeks were a total blur for us, but after that things have gotten much easier. Aleksi now sleeps 8-9 hours per night and then naps several times during the day. But of course that may change and will change when he eventually gets sick for the first time.

    Good luck with it all and enjoy these days :)

    1. Thanks Ilkka, I am hoping for a similar baby that sleeps a lot and eats a lot to grow a lot:) I'm glad that you guys are doing good.
