Saturday, February 25, 2012

PIerwsze pranie/ First laundry

No to dzisiaj zabralam sie za pierwsze pranie, popralam wszystkie ciuszki, kocyki, reczniki, skarpetki, czapeczki i tak dalej co dostalam no i poukladalam w pokoju. Poza tym posprzatalismy w malej pokoju i poprzestawialismy meble zeby juz staly tak jak beda. Takze podstawowe rzeczy mamy zrobione, teraz jeszcze lozeczko i pare drobiazgow, dekoracji i bedzie pokoj gotowy.

Today I did the first laundry, I washed all the clothes, blankets, towels, socks, hats and other stuff that I got, and I put it away in her room. On top of that, we cleaned her room and closet, and moved the furniture the way they will stay. So, we have the basics done and now we just need to get the crib and a few smaller things and decorations, and the room will be ready.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Dziekuje bardzo za zyczenia urodzinowe, dzis minelo mi bardzo milo! Jak wrocilam do domu zastalam nastepujaca niespodzianke...a potem lunch w mojej ulubionej restauracji i spacer po miescie. No i potem do roboty:)

Thank you all for my birthday wishes! I spend today in a very nice way. When I got home, the following surprise was waiting for me.....and then we went for lunch to my favorite restaurant and walked in downtown. And that was it, now back to work:)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Impreza dla malej/ Baby Shower

W sobote mielismy impreze dla malej u Goski i Wojtka na chacie. Przyszlo bardzo duzo znajomych jak i rodziny. Nawet znajomi przyjechali z Aten. Bawilismy sie swietnie i mala dostala przepiekne prezenty. Jak juz wszystko poukladam w pokoju i urzadze to wtedy beda zdjecia. Dziekujemy wszystkim za obecnosc i prezenty!!!
Ponizej dokumentacja przygotowan jeszcze w Atenach i Atlancie, jak i sama impreza.

On Saturday we had the Baby Shower at Gosia and Wojtek's house. We had a lot of friends and family coming. We even had a lot of people from Athens. We all had a blast and we got great stuff for the baby. When I put everything where it should go and finish the nursery, I'll put the pictures up. Thank you again to ya'll for coming and great gifts!!
 Below you can see the preparations in Athens and Atlanta and the party itself.

Przygotowania/ Preparations

Decorations/ Dekoracje

Prezent od Jacque jak i dekoracja/ Present from Jacque and decoration

Impreza/ Party

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Zimne Walentyki/ Cold Valentine's Day

No to niby cieplo bylo, ale teraz jednak troche zimniej. Nic to, Walentynki minely w bardzo cieplym nastroju...po dlugim dniu w pracy zastalam mojego meza w posprzatanym mieszkaniu, z cieplym obiadem na stole i kwiatami...nie narzekam:)

It was supposed to be warm, but now it is a bit colder..Anyway, Valentine's Day had a very warm atmosphere at home...after a long day at work, I get home to a clean house, warm dinner, and flowers on the table...All thanks to my husband...I'm not complaining:)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wiosenna Kicia/ Spring Kicia

No to u nas chyba juz wiosna nastala, bo w ciagu dnia temperature bardzo przyjemna i rozne rzeczy zaczynaja kwitnac. Na zdjeciach ponizej, drzewa magnoliowe kwitna na kampusie. W nocy jeszcze przymrozki, ale w ciagu dnia robi sie przyjemnie..Jeszcze takiej slabej zimy nie bylo u nas odkad to mieszkam.

I guess we have spring here now, as we have nice temperatures during the day and various things start to bloom. You can see magnolia trees blooming on campus. It does freeze at night, but during the day it is really nice...We didn't have such a warm winter yet since I moved here..

A nasza Kicia odpoczywa wyciagnieta na biurku przy oknie, a w przerwach robi sztuczki jak widac na filmiku.
Our Kicia is chilling all stretched out on the desk by the window, and from time to time she is performing some tricks for us, as you can see on the movie. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

26 weeks/ 26 tydzien

Juz troche czasu minelo od ostatnich zdjec, wiec dzisiaj zalaczam pare zdjec malej w mamie:) Moim celem przez ostatni tydzien jest zlapanie malej na filmie jak mi brzuch kopie, ale jak na razie refleks mnie zawodzi. Bede nadal probowac.
A tak to czujemy sie dobrze, od niedawna chodze juz jak kaczka i zakladanie skarpetek zaczyna byc dosyc duzym wyzwaniem:) Pogoda u nas szalona, bo w nocy lekki przymrozek a w ciagu dnia dobija do 20 stopni na plusie, takze sprzyja to spacerom.
A ponizej pare zdjec moich (zdjecia nie klamia, nadal mam talie, chociaz wedlug poradnikow juz dawno powinna zniknac - nie narzekam). Do tego pierwsza torba dla malej z motylkami, no i aby bylo miejsce dla niej w pokoju, to szafka z gory przeniosla sie do duzego pokoju na dol.

It has been a little while since last pictures here, so I put a few new pictures of the baby girl in mama:) I have a goal in life now to catch her kicking me on camera, bu so far I have not been quick enough to do that. I will continue to try.
Overall, we feel good, although I have started to wobble when I walk, and putting socks on my feet is presenting to be a challenge:) The weather is a bit crazy, as it freezes at night, but then we reach the 60s during the day, so we take advantage of it and go for walks.
Below, a few pictures of me (the pictures are not lying, I still have a waist, although all the pregnancy books tell me, it should be gone a long time ago - I'm not complaining though:), and the first diaper bag for the baby with butterflies. Also, to empty her room we moved the bookshelf downstairs.