We got a kitty and a name train for Marielle from Patrycja and Lukasz (my cousin and his wife). Marielle likes the kitty a lot, especially to chew him and squeeze him:) The name train fits perfectly in her room. Thank you very much! Pictures below.
This is a blog created by Halsey and Paulina Bounds To jest blog stworzony przez Halsey i Pauline Bounds
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Kotek i pociag/ A kitty and a train
Dostalismy od Patrycji i Lukasza Kotka i piekny pociag z malej imieniem. Marysia kotka bardzo lubi, szczegolnie mamlac w buzi i sciskac:) A pociag pieknie sie komponuje w jej pokoju. Dziekujemy! Zdjecia ponizej.
We got a kitty and a name train for Marielle from Patrycja and Lukasz (my cousin and his wife). Marielle likes the kitty a lot, especially to chew him and squeeze him:) The name train fits perfectly in her room. Thank you very much! Pictures below.
We got a kitty and a name train for Marielle from Patrycja and Lukasz (my cousin and his wife). Marielle likes the kitty a lot, especially to chew him and squeeze him:) The name train fits perfectly in her room. Thank you very much! Pictures below.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Urodziny taty/ Daddy's Birthday
Dzisiaj Holzik mial urodziny, wiec obchodzil hucznie caly dzien, najpierw z Marysia przez wieksza czesc dnia, a potem obiad i spacer z zona..teraz jest w pracy, a jak wroci to czeka na niego zimne piwo i mecz futbolowy...zyc nie umierac:) Rok temu w czasie jego imprezy urodzinowej dzielilismy sie dobra nowina ciazy ze znajomymi, oraz opijalismy pierwszy wikend od 6 lat kiedy nie musial isc do pracy....a w tym roku zupelnie inne urodziny, pierwsze z corka.
Ostatnio bylismy w paru sklepach gdzie juz sprzedaja kostiumy na Halloween, wiec przypomnialo mi sie ze mamy jeden kostium ktory Pola nosila jak byla mniej wiecej w Marysi wieku. Takze zdjecia ponizej, na jednym Pola, na drugim Marysia. Wtajemniczeni beda w stanie poznac po kanapie, ktora jest ktora. I jeszcze troche zdjec z ostatnich dni.
Today is Halsey's birthday, so he celebrated all day, first with Marielle, and then dinner and walk in a park with his wife....now he is at work, but when he comes back, a cold beer and recorded Falcons game is waiting on him....what a life:) A year ago during his birthday party we shared the good news about my pregnancy with our friends, and we were drinking for the first weekend off work in 6 years...this year's birthday is totally different, his first with his dauther...
Lately we have been in a few stores that sell Halloween costumes, so I remembered that we have one after Pola. You can see Pola and Marielle in the same costume, those with inside knowledge can distinguish them judging by the couches they are on. And some recent pictures follow.
Ostatnio bylismy w paru sklepach gdzie juz sprzedaja kostiumy na Halloween, wiec przypomnialo mi sie ze mamy jeden kostium ktory Pola nosila jak byla mniej wiecej w Marysi wieku. Takze zdjecia ponizej, na jednym Pola, na drugim Marysia. Wtajemniczeni beda w stanie poznac po kanapie, ktora jest ktora. I jeszcze troche zdjec z ostatnich dni.
Today is Halsey's birthday, so he celebrated all day, first with Marielle, and then dinner and walk in a park with his wife....now he is at work, but when he comes back, a cold beer and recorded Falcons game is waiting on him....what a life:) A year ago during his birthday party we shared the good news about my pregnancy with our friends, and we were drinking for the first weekend off work in 6 years...this year's birthday is totally different, his first with his dauther...
Lately we have been in a few stores that sell Halloween costumes, so I remembered that we have one after Pola. You can see Pola and Marielle in the same costume, those with inside knowledge can distinguish them judging by the couches they are on. And some recent pictures follow.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Pierwsze jedzonko/First solids
Dzisiaj karmilismy mala po raz pierwszy "na powaznie", bo sprobowalismy juz wczesniej, ale wtedy nic nie wyszlo. Takze mala zaczela dzis od slodkich ziemniaczkow ze sloiczka:) Zjadla polowe sloiczka i juz po pierwszych lyzeczkach otwierala buzie, takze musialam sie spieszyc z podawaniem. Ponizej dokumentacja, jak rowniez zdjecie z tata i we wieczornej pizamce.
Today, we gave the baby her first solids "for real", because we tried earlier, but that wasn't real eating. So,she started with sweet potatoes:) She ate a half of a jar, and already after a few spoons I had to speed up the delivery:) Pictures below, as well as one with daddy and another one in her cute pj.
Today, we gave the baby her first solids "for real", because we tried earlier, but that wasn't real eating. So,she started with sweet potatoes:) She ate a half of a jar, and already after a few spoons I had to speed up the delivery:) Pictures below, as well as one with daddy and another one in her cute pj.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
4-month check up/ Wizyta czteromiesieczna
Bylismy u lekarza na czteromiesiecznym przegladzie u pediatry. Mala rozwija sie bardzo dobrze, i rosnie jak na drozdzach. Wazy troszke powyzej 8 kg i mierzy 69 cm. Jesli bylaby dzieckiem przecietnych wymiarow to powinna miec 8 miesiecy, a ma 4:) Bedziemy zaczynac karmienie stalymi pokarmami, wiec beda zdjecia z prob (udanych i nieudanych), a na razie kilka zdjec w ciuszkach od dziadkow poznanskich, poki jeszcze sa po tej stronie oceanu.
We went for a 4-month check up at the pediatrician. Marielle is developing very smoothly, and she is growing quickly. She is 18lbs and 27 inches long. If she was an average size baby, she would be 8 months old, but she is only 4:) We will be starting solid foods in the next few days, so pictures will follow with more or less successful attempts. For now, a few pictures in the outfits from Poznan grandparents while they are still on this side of the ocean.
We went for a 4-month check up at the pediatrician. Marielle is developing very smoothly, and she is growing quickly. She is 18lbs and 27 inches long. If she was an average size baby, she would be 8 months old, but she is only 4:) We will be starting solid foods in the next few days, so pictures will follow with more or less successful attempts. For now, a few pictures in the outfits from Poznan grandparents while they are still on this side of the ocean.
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