Thursday, August 1, 2013


So, we have officially moved to Cookeville, Tennessee last Sunday. I got a tenure-track job as Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Tennessee Tech University. We are now unpacked, and figuring things out. So far, so good. The town is small, so everything is very close. Marielle is enjoying the new apartment, and the new surroundings. First, you can see a short movie from the last weekend in Atlanta before we moved, she was enjoying her breakfast and playing with the Polish doll. On the second movie, you will see how Marielle and Halsey are taking advantage of the extra space in the apartment. Also, I put out some pictures of the apartment.

No to w ostatnia niedziele oficjalnie przeprowadzilismy sie do Cookeville, Tennessee. Dostalam prace jako Assistant Professor na Tennessee Tech University. Jestesmy juz rozpakowani i teraz zapoznajemy sie z okolica. Jak na razie, wszystko idzie dobrze. Miasto jest male, wiec wszedzie blisko, a Marysi podoba sie i nowe mieszkanie i okolica. Najpierw filmik z ostatniego weekendu gdy bylismy jeszcze w Atlancie, jak mala je sniadanko, a potem tanczy z lala. Na drugim filmiku, zobaczycie jak Marysia i Holzik wykorzystuja duzo miejsca, ktore mamy teraz w mieszkaniu.A ponizej zdjecia naszeo nowego domu.

Nasze mieszkanie/ Our apartment

Dol/ Downstairs

Upstairs/ Gora

Dostalam od szefowej wydzialu/ I got this from the department head:



  1. The new place looks great Paulina! Much better than the pics of the empty place - it now looks like a home. I hope you all settle in nicely and you love your new job!
