Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weekend full of fun! Weekend pelen zabaw!

W ten weekend grafik mielismy bardzo napiety. W piatek pojechalismy zobaczyc wodospad niedaleko, ktory nazywa sie Burgess Falls. Jak jechalismy to pogoda byla lekko niepewna, a jak dojechalismy na miejsce to zdazylismy sie schowac pod daszek, bo przylalo konkretnie. Takze wiekszosc czasu spedzilismy pod daszkiem, patrzac na deszcz, sluchajac wodospadu i patrzac jak Marysia bawi sie zwirkiem. Jak przestalo padac to poszlismy kawalek, ale sciezki byly tak pozalewane i sliskie ze nie doszlismy do nawiekszego wodospadu. Nic to, fajnie bylo, podjedziemy tam za pare tygodni jak sie zrobi chlodniej. W sobote z rana poszlismy do parku z fontanna i chociaz Marysia na poczatku ostroznie chodzila dookola i tylko patrzyla, po chwili biegala po wodzie az do upadlego (doslownie). Po drzemce pojechalismy na festyn naszego hrabstwa, gdzie glownym punktem programyu dla nas bylo male "zoo" gdzie mozna glaskac zwierzatka. Marysi najbardziej podobaly sie kozy, mimo ze ciagle mowila o nich "muuu". Byly rowniez wielblady, jezozwierz, ogromne zolwie, miniaturowy bawol i male krowki. Bardzo edukacyjnie. Polazilismy po festynie, ale nic tam dla takich maluszkow nie bylo do roboty, to pojechalismy do domu. A dzisiaj rano odwiedzilismy nasz ulubiony park nad jeziorem ubrane w koszulki Kolejorza::) Teraz mala spi, nie wiem co bedziemy robic po poludniu.  A w miedzyczasie, odbywaly sie rozne zabawy z tata i nie, ktore tez uwiecznilismy na filmikach. Takze milego ogladania!

Our schedule for this weekend was packed. On Friday we went to Burgess Falls, since it is very close. On our way we saw some clouds, but it was only when we parked and barely managed to get under the shelter when it started to pour. So, most of our time there we spend under the shelter watching the rain, listening to the fall nearby, and watching Marielle playing with the gravel. When it finally stopped raining we went up the path to see the biggest out of the three falls, but the path was so flooded and slippery that we turned around. Anyways, we still had fun, and probably be back there in a few weeks, when the weather cools down a bit. Saturday morning we went to a local park with a fountain and splash section. Although Marielle was a little unsure about it at first, soon she was fearless. After the nap we went to the county fair. For us the main attraction was a petting zoo. Marielle liked the goats the most, although she was calling them "mooo" the whole time. There were little camels, porcupine, huge turtles, miniature buffalo, a miniature cows. Very educational. We walked up and down the fair, but there was not much to do for her, so we went home. And today in the morning, we went to our favorite park with a lake wearing our t-shirts from Poland of our local soccer team. Now, Marielle is sleeping and I don't know what we are going to do later. In the meantime between those events we have also played a lot, especially with daddy, so you can see that on the videos as well. Happy watching!

Burgess Falls

Splash park/ Park z fontanna

Count Fair/ Festyn

Our park/ W parku

Playing with daddy/ Zabawy z tata

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Park and floor play/ Park i zabawy na podlodze

Znalezlismy super park, ktory jest bardzo blisko domu! Sciezka prowadzi dookola jeziora i sa place zabaw. Marysce bardzo sie podobalo, nam rowniez, bedziemy tam bardzo czestymi goscmi. Nakrecilam filmik z pobytu w parku. Na drugim filmiku Maryska bawi sie w nowa zabawe, ktora sama wymyslila:)

We have found an awesome park that is sooo close to home! The path leads around the lake and there are playgrounds. Marielle loved it, and so did we, we are definitely going to be regulars there. The first video was shot there and on the second you can see a game Marielle came up with the other day:)

Thursday, August 1, 2013


So, we have officially moved to Cookeville, Tennessee last Sunday. I got a tenure-track job as Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Tennessee Tech University. We are now unpacked, and figuring things out. So far, so good. The town is small, so everything is very close. Marielle is enjoying the new apartment, and the new surroundings. First, you can see a short movie from the last weekend in Atlanta before we moved, she was enjoying her breakfast and playing with the Polish doll. On the second movie, you will see how Marielle and Halsey are taking advantage of the extra space in the apartment. Also, I put out some pictures of the apartment.

No to w ostatnia niedziele oficjalnie przeprowadzilismy sie do Cookeville, Tennessee. Dostalam prace jako Assistant Professor na Tennessee Tech University. Jestesmy juz rozpakowani i teraz zapoznajemy sie z okolica. Jak na razie, wszystko idzie dobrze. Miasto jest male, wiec wszedzie blisko, a Marysi podoba sie i nowe mieszkanie i okolica. Najpierw filmik z ostatniego weekendu gdy bylismy jeszcze w Atlancie, jak mala je sniadanko, a potem tanczy z lala. Na drugim filmiku, zobaczycie jak Marysia i Holzik wykorzystuja duzo miejsca, ktore mamy teraz w mieszkaniu.A ponizej zdjecia naszeo nowego domu.

Nasze mieszkanie/ Our apartment

Dol/ Downstairs

Upstairs/ Gora

Dostalam od szefowej wydzialu/ I got this from the department head:
