Saturday, June 15, 2013

Polska/ Poland

Nie bylo wpisow przez ostatni miesiac, bo bylismy w Polsce. Polecielismy w trojke 6 maja, Holzik byl tylko tydzien, a ja z Marysia wrocilysmy 4 czerwca. Podroz w obywie strony byla meczaca, ale dzidzia byla bardzo grzeczna, chociaz nieduzo spala. Zamiast tego rozdawala usmiechy i gadala do innych pasazerow. Koniec koncow ten brak spania okazal sie bardzo dobry bo przez to przestawiala sie na nowy czas w ciagu jednej nocy, pobijajac rekordy w spaniu, jak na przyklad 16 godzin...Od czasu pobytu w Polsce, Marysia zaczela wstawac bardziej kolo 9 rano, co bardzo nam odpowiada, wiec na razie cieszymy sie:) Przypuszczamy ze jest to zwiazane z tym ze zaczela stawiac pierwsze kroki samodzielnie, po raz pierwszy w Dzien Matki, jako taki prezent dla mnie. Poza tym w czasie pobytu w Polsce nauczyla sie nowych slow. Mowi : dziadzia, kwiatka (chyba zamiast kwiatek, bo podlapala ze zdania :widzisz kwiatka?), oko, kolko, wiatrak i wiater (raz brzmi jak wiater, raz jak wiatr), no i dzwiek jaki wydaje wiatr, czyli szszszszsz. Poza tym pokazuje na oko, kolko, nos i buzie, klepie sie po brzuszku ze takie dobre, samochod jak przejezdza to mowi brum, brum, macha papa, dzwoni telefonem do taty i mu opowiada i jeszcze pewnie kilka innych rzeczy, ktorych teraz nie pamietam. W Polsce odwiedzilysmy nie tylko czesc rodziny, ale i przyjaciol, wiec poznala duzo dzieci i bardzo byla zainteresowana wszystkim co inne dzieci robia. Wybawila sie z babcia i dziadkiem, wyrwala wszystkie konwalie i stokrotki u babci w ogrodzie, przesiedziala swoje przed pralka i pojechala:) Poznizej zdjecia z roznych momentow podrozy i filmki.

There were no posts for the last month, as we were in Poland. We all went on May 6th, Halsey was there for a week, and the two of us stayed till June 4th. The trip both ways was exhausting, although Marielle was very good, she didn't sleep much. Instead, she was smiling and charming everybody around. In the end, the lack of sleep helped her to adjust to the new time overnight, and she has broken some records in sleeping, for example 16 hours straight. Since getting to Poland she has been waking up around 9 am and we are not complaining. We are thinking that it is connected to the fact that she started walking! She took her first step on May 26th, which is Mother's Day in Poland, as a present for me:) Moreover, while in Poland, she learned how to say a few new words: dziadzia (grandpa), kwiatka (flower), oko (eye), kolko (circle), wiatrak and wiater (fan and wind, which sound very similar in Polish), and the sound that the wind/fan makes which is shhhhh. She also shows where an eye, circle, nose, and mouth is, she is patting her belly to show that the food is good, when a car comes by she says brum, brum, she waves goodbye, she calls tata on the phone and tells him stuff, and probably a few other things that I don't remember now. In Poland we visited not only with some of the family, but also with friends and their children, so she met a lot of new kids, and she was extremely interested in what they were doing. She had a lot of fun with grandma and grandpa, she collected all of the flowers from grandma's yard, she had her fill in watching the washing machine, and she was gone:) Below, pictures from various parts of the trip and some videos





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