Since today there are a lot of 3 involved, and we are now a family of three (sorry Kicia) we will have triple the news. Marielle has a third tooth on top, she can pull up on different things, like coffee table, toy box, or somebody's legs (mom's or dad's), we had to lower the mattress in the bed completely, since she is pulling up there too. She started to sleep with a teddy bear (actually it is a kitty that she got from my cousin Patrycja and Lukasz), she is starting to say "mama" and "tata" with a purpose, with special emphasis when she wants something:) Marielle is getting better at chasing the cat, so it is just a matter of time before there will be no escape for the cat:) She really likes our food, especially approved are sweet potatoes and scrambled eggs. She is starting to eat food with her hands, for now an orange is the best. Since I have been busy and didn't have time to post, today you have a lot of videos to watch. All of them are awesome:) some longer than others, but you need to at least watch the last one. It is hilarious!!
This is a blog created by Halsey and Paulina Bounds To jest blog stworzony przez Halsey i Pauline Bounds
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Skoro dzisiaj tyle trojek i nas jest trojka (sorry Kicia) to bedzie dzisiaj potrojnie wiadomosci. No to Marysia ma trzeciego zeba na gorze (lewa dwojka), potrafi sie wspinac po roznych rzeczach jak na przyklad stolik, pudlo na zabawki, czy nogi mamy albo taty (do wyboru), musielismy obnizyc lozeczko kompletnie, bo wspina sie tez w lozeczku, zaczela spac z misiem ( a dokladnie z kotkiem, ktorego dostala od cioci Patrycji i wujka Lukasza), zaczyna rowniez mowic "mama" i "tata" ze zrozumieniem, a szczegolnie z naciskiem jak czegos chce:) Marysia zaczyna gonic kota rowniez, coraz lepiej jej to wychodzi, juz niedlugo i kicia nie ucieknie. Bardzo lubi cokolwiek my jemy i najlepiej zeby to byly slodkie ziemniaczki albo jajecznica. Zaczyna jesc rekami, na razie pomarancza najlepiej jej wchodzi. Poniewaz ostatnio bylam zajeta i nie bylo czasu wrzucac na internet, to dzisiaj macie duzo filmikow i pare zdjec. Wszystkie sa super :) niektore sa przydlugawe, a najbardziej polecam ostatni na liscie.
Since today there are a lot of 3 involved, and we are now a family of three (sorry Kicia) we will have triple the news. Marielle has a third tooth on top, she can pull up on different things, like coffee table, toy box, or somebody's legs (mom's or dad's), we had to lower the mattress in the bed completely, since she is pulling up there too. She started to sleep with a teddy bear (actually it is a kitty that she got from my cousin Patrycja and Lukasz), she is starting to say "mama" and "tata" with a purpose, with special emphasis when she wants something:) Marielle is getting better at chasing the cat, so it is just a matter of time before there will be no escape for the cat:) She really likes our food, especially approved are sweet potatoes and scrambled eggs. She is starting to eat food with her hands, for now an orange is the best. Since I have been busy and didn't have time to post, today you have a lot of videos to watch. All of them are awesome:) some longer than others, but you need to at least watch the last one. It is hilarious!!
Since today there are a lot of 3 involved, and we are now a family of three (sorry Kicia) we will have triple the news. Marielle has a third tooth on top, she can pull up on different things, like coffee table, toy box, or somebody's legs (mom's or dad's), we had to lower the mattress in the bed completely, since she is pulling up there too. She started to sleep with a teddy bear (actually it is a kitty that she got from my cousin Patrycja and Lukasz), she is starting to say "mama" and "tata" with a purpose, with special emphasis when she wants something:) Marielle is getting better at chasing the cat, so it is just a matter of time before there will be no escape for the cat:) She really likes our food, especially approved are sweet potatoes and scrambled eggs. She is starting to eat food with her hands, for now an orange is the best. Since I have been busy and didn't have time to post, today you have a lot of videos to watch. All of them are awesome:) some longer than others, but you need to at least watch the last one. It is hilarious!!
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