Bardzo dawno nie pisalam, glownie przez to ze koniec semestru nie pozostawil mi duzo czasu. No, ale teraz czas nadrobic zaleglosci. Marysi bardzo sie zlobek podoba, sama idzie do pani i jak po nia przychodzimy to jeszcze nam musi zabawki pokazac zanim pojdziemy. Ulubiony jest teraz samochod, oraz lustro, w ktorym przeglada sie caly czas. Maryska zaczyna coraz bardziej mowic, w obydwu jezykach, raczej ma jedne slowa w jednym jezyku, czyli "mleko" po polsku, a "ucho, oko, buzia" po angielsku itd.
Ponizej zdjecia z roznych okazji , ale rowniez duzo ze Swieta Dziekczynienia, ktore spedzilismy w Atlacie u Camerona. Amelia i Marysia bawily sie razem i Maryska bylo zafascynowana Amelia i wszystkim co ona robila.
I haven't written in a long time, mostly because of the end of the semester, and lack of time caused by it. Now, it's time to make up for lost time. Marielle likes the daycare very much, she stays with the ladies on her own and oftentimes goes on to show us some toys when we come get her before we leave. Her favorite things now are a toy car she can ride in and a mirror that she loves to watch herself in. She is starting to speak more and more in both languages, although they seem to be separated for now. For example, "milk" is only in Polish, but "ear, mouth, and nose" are only in English, and so on.
Below, pictures from various moments, but also from Thanksgiving that we spend at Cameron's. Amelia and Marielle were playing together very well, and Marielle was just fascinated by everything Amelia was doing.
Pare tygodni temu Marysia zaczela chodzic do zlobka. Zajelo jej pare dni zeby sie przestawic na nowy grafik i spac i jesc tak jak inne dzieci. Po okolo tygodniu przestala tez plakac jak ja zostawiamy. Takze aklimatyzacja dosyc szybka. Poza tym uczy sie nowych slow w obydwu jezykach, chociaz nadal na topie dzwieki zwierzat. Bylismy na imprezie Halloween w piatek i Marysia byla przebrana za malpke (ten sam kostium co w zeszlym roku). Najbardziej podobaly jej sie psy, ktore byly na imprezie, no i prog przez ktory uczyla sie przechodzic. Pogoda tutaj troche sie ochlodzila, takze juz pierwsze nocne przymrozki za nami, natomiast wczoraj znowu ocieplenie przyszlo.
A few weeks ago Marielle went to daycare. It took her a few days to adjust to the new schedule, so she sleeps and eats when they do. It took her about a week to stop crying every time we drop her off. So, she is now good at daycare and enjoying it. She continues to learn some new words and sounds in both languages, still mostly interested in what animals say. We went to a Halloween party on Friday and she was dressed as a monkey (same costume as last year). She mostly enjoyed the puppies that were at the party and learning how to climb on and off a threshold. The weather has cooled down some, and we already had first overnight freeze, but yesterday it got warmer again.
Komentuje psa sasiada, ktory zawsze ujada przez okno jak idziemy z samochodu do do dmu/ Commenting on our neighbor's dog who is always yapping through the window when we walk home from the car
Tuz przed impreza urodzinowa Kuby/ Right before Kuba's Birthday party
Polish first, English second/ Najpierw po polsku, potem po angielsku
Przeglad mody/ Latest fashion
Trudno ja zlapac nie w biegu, wiec zamazane zdjecia/ It is hard to catch her still, so the pictures come out blurry
I znowu robimy gluacamole/ And we are making guacamole again
Juz ponad miesiac nie pisalam na blogu, bo pod koniec sierpnia zaczela sie szkola i nagle zabraklo czasu:) Dzisiaj bedzie podsumowanie ostatnich kilku tygodni i bardzo duzo filmikow. Zwiedzamy caly czas Cookeville i okolice, poznajemy nowe miejsce. Do niektorych juz pewno nie wrocimy, ale niektore okazaly sie bardzo fajne i bedziemy odwiedzac czesto. Marysia juz nie tylko chodzi, ale biega i uczy sie jesc widelcem. Coraz wiecej mowi, teraz na topie sa dzwieki, ktore wydaja zwierzeta i inne przedmioty/ludzie. Gania za Kicia i nie pozwala jej chwile pospac w spokoju:) Marysi wlosy rosna ostatnio i na dlugosc i na gestosc, wiec zaczela nosic spineczki i opaski na wlosach, a wczoraj po raz pierwszy suszylam jej wlosy suszarka bo recznik juz nie wystarcza. Poszlismy z nia na wizyte do lekarza i mala wazy 12 kilo (91 percentyl) i miezy 84 cm (96 percentyl)
It's been over a month since the last post, but I have started teaching in the meantime, and the time has shrunk. Therefore, you are getting a summary of the last few weeks and a whole bunch of videos and pictures. We keep exploring Cookeville and the area around it. We found a few places that we won't be coming back to, and we found a few that we will:) Marielle is not only walking, but running, all the time. She is learning how to use a fork too. She is saying more and more, lately she is into animal sounds, and sounds that other things/ people do. She is chasing Kicia all the time and does not allow her to sleep peacefully anymore. Marielle's hair is growing and thickening, so we started with headbands and hair pins, and we had to use a hair dryer the other day because the towel was just not enough to dry her hair.
We went for a check up and she is 27lbs (91%) and 33inches (96%) tall.
Bieganie/ Running
Podsumowanie/ Summary
Animal sounds/ Dzwieki zwierzat i innych
Using a fork/ Widelec
Crossfit baby/ Silaczka
Cummins Falls/ Wodospad Cummins
Children's museum/ Muzeum dla dzieci
Hidden Hollow Park/ Park Hidden Hollow
Marielle's first movie (only for the really dedicated)/ Pierwszy film nakrecony przez Marysie (tylko dl wytrwalych)
Little Bounds and big Bounds/ Duza i mala Boundsowna
Kwiaty we wlosach/ Flower head bands
Elmo rules!/ Elmo rzadzi!
Splash, spash/ Chlapanie, chlapanie
Shopping, shopping/ Zakupy, zakupy
Making guacamole/ Robilysmy guacamole
Sezon dresowo-bluzowy/ Sweat suit season
Birthday tata/ Tata urodzinowy
Spineczki/ Hair pins
Tata keeps pulling my pants up/ Tata mi ciagle spodnie podciaga