No to w tym roku po raz pierwszy sami robilismy Swieto Dziekczynienia a nie bylismy w gosci jak w poprzednich latach. Wojtek zrobil indyka jak widac na zdjeciach Przed i Po
So, this year we did Thanksgiving ourselves for the first time, instead of being hosted by others. Wojtek prepared the turkey as you can see in the Before and After pictures
A tak do tego to rozne inne przystawki i dania zrobilismy, jak widac na zdjeciach.
And we made other side dishes as well, as you can see on the pictures
A szwagry sie integrowaly...
And the brothers-in-law were bonding..
No i na koniec zdjecie rodzinne:)
And a family picture at the end:)
This is a blog created by Halsey and Paulina Bounds To jest blog stworzony przez Halsey i Pauline Bounds
Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Dzieje sie dzieje../A lot is going on...
Nie bylo czasu pisac na blogu bo tyle sie dzialo, wiec teraz troche zdjec w nagrode:) W czwartek bylam na czarterze nowego Lions Clubu, ktoremu pomagam jako Guiding Lion. Jest on glownie zlozony ze studentow z mojego uniwerku (University of Georgia). Mielismy niesamowita przyjemnosc i zaszczyt goscic Prezydenta Swiatowego Wing-Kun Tam. Bardzo mily czlowiek, porozmawialam sobie z nim troche, dziekowal mi za pomoc nowemy klubowi, dostalam jego przypinke i ogolnie bardzo milo. Dzieciaki (w koncu maja tylko po osiemnascie lat) z nowego klubu sa bardzo fajne, zapalone do dzialania i przynalezenia do organizacji, wiec pracuje mi sie z nimi dobrze i bedzie pewnie jeszcze lepiej, jak zaczna dzialac pelna para.
There was no time for writing on the blog because a lot of stuff was going on, but here are some pictures instead:) On Thursday I was at a Charter Night for a new Lions Club that I am a Guiding Lion for. The new club is mainly made out of students from UGA. We had a great honor and pleasure to host The International Lions President Wing-Kun Tam. He is a very nice person, I talked to him for a while, he thanked me for helping the new club, I got the Presidential Pin, and overall it was very nice. The kids (they are all 18 after all:) from the new club are good, they have a lot of drive and urge to belong to the organization. So, working with them has been fun, and it will probably get even better once they get fully to work.
Od lewej, Jim Allison (prezydent mojego klubu - Classic City Lions Club- jestesmy klubem sponsorujacym), Prezydent Swiatowy Wing-Kun Tam, no i ja ( jak widac na zdjeciu, brzuszek sie zaokragla i juz widac ze cos sie dzieje)
From the left: Jim Allison (the President of my Club - Classic City Lions Club- we are the sponsoring club), International President Wing-Kun Tam, and me (as you can see, the belly is getting rounder and you definitely tell now that something is going on)
A po takim swiatowym wieczorze, we wikend zajelam sie rzeczami o wiele bardziej domowymi....najpierw zakisilam ogorki, to chyba w koncu czas na zachcianki na ogorki:)
And after such a worldly evening, on the weekend I was occupied with more homely activities. So, I pickled some cucumbers, I think it is high time for pickle cravings:)
A potem zabralam sie za robienie dyni w occie wedlug przepisu Babci Krysi. Dzieki Babciu!!! Wiec najpierw musialam to wszystko obrac i pokroic.
And then I pickled pumpkin according to the recipe of my Grandma Krysia. Thanks Grandma!!!So, first I had to peel and cut.
9 dyni pozniej...
9 pumpkins later...
Potem przez noc w occie. A nastepnego dnia gotowaly sie w ogromym garnku...
Then, they soaked in vinegar for a night. And the next day I boiled them in the huge pot.
No i ostatni krok, czyli do sloikow.
And then the last step....Putting them into jars.
Wychodzi na to za mamy (z Goska) jakies takie zdolnosic genetyczne, ze chociaz robilam to po raz pierwszy, bez dokladnych instrukcji (ile dyn skada sie na kilo obranej dyni?), to kupilam dokladnie odpowiednia ilosc dyni i sloikow:) No to zobaczymy w czwartek (Swieto Dziekczynienia), czy wyszly dobre. Jak probowalam, to mi smakowaly, wiec jest nadzieja:)
It turns out that we (me and Goska) have some genetically inherited skills. I made the pickled pumpkins for the first time, and without detailed instructions (how many pumpkins translates into a pound of a peeled and chopped pumpkin?), I was still able to buy the perfectly fitting amount of pumpkins for the jars that I got:) So, on Thanksgiving, we will see if they came out good. When I tried them, I liked them, so there is hope:)
There was no time for writing on the blog because a lot of stuff was going on, but here are some pictures instead:) On Thursday I was at a Charter Night for a new Lions Club that I am a Guiding Lion for. The new club is mainly made out of students from UGA. We had a great honor and pleasure to host The International Lions President Wing-Kun Tam. He is a very nice person, I talked to him for a while, he thanked me for helping the new club, I got the Presidential Pin, and overall it was very nice. The kids (they are all 18 after all:) from the new club are good, they have a lot of drive and urge to belong to the organization. So, working with them has been fun, and it will probably get even better once they get fully to work.
Od lewej, Jim Allison (prezydent mojego klubu - Classic City Lions Club- jestesmy klubem sponsorujacym), Prezydent Swiatowy Wing-Kun Tam, no i ja ( jak widac na zdjeciu, brzuszek sie zaokragla i juz widac ze cos sie dzieje)
From the left: Jim Allison (the President of my Club - Classic City Lions Club- we are the sponsoring club), International President Wing-Kun Tam, and me (as you can see, the belly is getting rounder and you definitely tell now that something is going on)
A po takim swiatowym wieczorze, we wikend zajelam sie rzeczami o wiele bardziej domowymi....najpierw zakisilam ogorki, to chyba w koncu czas na zachcianki na ogorki:)
And after such a worldly evening, on the weekend I was occupied with more homely activities. So, I pickled some cucumbers, I think it is high time for pickle cravings:)
And then I pickled pumpkin according to the recipe of my Grandma Krysia. Thanks Grandma!!!So, first I had to peel and cut.
9 dyni pozniej...
9 pumpkins later...
Potem przez noc w occie. A nastepnego dnia gotowaly sie w ogromym garnku...
Then, they soaked in vinegar for a night. And the next day I boiled them in the huge pot.
No i ostatni krok, czyli do sloikow.
And then the last step....Putting them into jars.
Wychodzi na to za mamy (z Goska) jakies takie zdolnosic genetyczne, ze chociaz robilam to po raz pierwszy, bez dokladnych instrukcji (ile dyn skada sie na kilo obranej dyni?), to kupilam dokladnie odpowiednia ilosc dyni i sloikow:) No to zobaczymy w czwartek (Swieto Dziekczynienia), czy wyszly dobre. Jak probowalam, to mi smakowaly, wiec jest nadzieja:)
It turns out that we (me and Goska) have some genetically inherited skills. I made the pickled pumpkins for the first time, and without detailed instructions (how many pumpkins translates into a pound of a peeled and chopped pumpkin?), I was still able to buy the perfectly fitting amount of pumpkins for the jars that I got:) So, on Thanksgiving, we will see if they came out good. When I tried them, I liked them, so there is hope:)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Troszke spoznione.../ A bit too late....
Chcielismy zlozyc najlepsze zyczenia naszym rodzicom z okazji rocznicy slubu, ktora byla pare dni temu. Zyczymy wszyscy wszystkiego co najlepsze i mamy nadzieje, ze my tez kiedys bedziemy obchcodzili takie wielgachne rocznice. Kochamy was bardzo i gratulujemy:)
We would like to wish all the best to our parents for their wedding anniversary they had a few days ago. We wish you all the best and we hope to reach such a huge numbered anniversaries in the future. We love you and congrats:)
Paulina, Halsey, Baby:)
Gosia, Wojtek, Kuba, Pola
We would like to wish all the best to our parents for their wedding anniversary they had a few days ago. We wish you all the best and we hope to reach such a huge numbered anniversaries in the future. We love you and congrats:)
Paulina, Halsey, Baby:)
Gosia, Wojtek, Kuba, Pola
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