We went to a Burgess Falls State park today. Although I have a fear of heights, we went almost all the way down of the Big Fall. You can see the scenic views at the video. It was awesome!!
This is a blog created by Halsey and Paulina Bounds To jest blog stworzony przez Halsey i Pauline Bounds
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Burgess Falls
Pojechalismy dzisiaj z Holzikem do parku stanowego z wodospadami. Chociaz mam lek wysokosci, to postanowilismy zejsc na sam dol najwiekszego z wodospadow w tym parku. Widoczki na filmiku. Bylo super!
We went to a Burgess Falls State park today. Although I have a fear of heights, we went almost all the way down of the Big Fall. You can see the scenic views at the video. It was awesome!!
We went to a Burgess Falls State park today. Although I have a fear of heights, we went almost all the way down of the Big Fall. You can see the scenic views at the video. It was awesome!!
Monday, May 12, 2014
Komunia Kuby i urodziny Marysi/ Kuba's First Communion and Marielle's Second Birthday
W ten wikend obchodzilismy pierwsza komunie Kuby i oficjalna impreze urodzinowa Marysi. A z ciekawych zbiegow okolicznosci, to na 10 maja 2012 mialam oficjalna date porodu:) Filmki i zdjecia ponizej.
This weekend we celebrated Kuba's First Communion and we had the official Second Birthday Party for Marielle. Funny thing, May 10th 2012 was my official due date:) Videos and pictures below.
This weekend we celebrated Kuba's First Communion and we had the official Second Birthday Party for Marielle. Funny thing, May 10th 2012 was my official due date:) Videos and pictures below.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Second birthday celebrations/ Obchodzimy drugie urodziny
Pare zdjec z wikendu urodzinowego
A few pictures from the birthday weekend
Dzien przed...okularowy
A day before...sunglasses day
Rano do przedszkola
Daycare birthday outfit
Daycare celebrations
Spinka do wlosow od pani nauczycielki.
Hair pin from her teacher
Obiad urodzinowy
Birthday dinner
Popoludnie na ogrodku
Afternoon in the backyard
A few pictures from the birthday weekend
Dzien przed...okularowy
A day before...sunglasses day
Rano do przedszkola
Daycare birthday outfit
Cupcakes domowej roboty do przedszkola
Homemade cupcakes for daycare
Przyjecie w przedszkoluDaycare celebrations
Spinka do wlosow od pani nauczycielki.
Hair pin from her teacher
Obiad urodzinowy
Birthday dinner
Sobotnia wyprawa do parku Burgess z wodospadem
Saturday trip to Burgess Falls State Park
Popoludnie na ogrodku
Afternoon in the backyard
Friday, May 2, 2014
Second birthday!! Drugie urodziny!!
Az sie nie chce wierzyc jak ten czas leci, a tu juz drugie urodzinki!
It's hard to believe how fast the time is passing by, but yes, it's time for her second birthday!
It's hard to believe how fast the time is passing by, but yes, it's time for her second birthday!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Birthday Eve/ Wigilia urodzin
Tuz przed jutrzejszymi urodzinami Marysi zapraszam na kilka filmikow z ostatnich tygodni. Marysia coraz wiecej opowiada po swojemu jak i w naszych jezykach, powtarza po nas zachowania, ktore nam sie podobaja, jak i rowniez takie, o ktorych nie mielismy pojecia, ze je robimy. Wlosy rosna jej jak szalone i jak szalone kreca sie w piekne loczki. Jak sie dowiedzielismy, ma w przedszkolu chlopaka, Karola, ktory ja gania, a ona go przegania. U nas zrobilo sie juz fajnie cieplo, wiec duzo czasu spedzamy na dworze na ganianiu pilki i baniek. Marysia dostanie na urodziny od cioci Gosi rowerek na trzech kolkach, wiec beda nowe zdolnosci do obserwacji.
On the eve of her second birthday, I am putting up a few videos from the last few weeks. Marielle talks more and more in her own language and our languages as well. She is copying our behaviors more and more, whether those that are positive, or those we were not aware we were doing. Her hair grows and curls like crazy! She has a boyfriend now in daycare, Charlie, and they chase each other around. It's been nice and warm now, so we spend a lot more time outside chasing the ball and bubbles. Marielle is getting a tricycle from aunt Gosia, so there will be more skills to be learned.
Easter/ Wielkanoc
I troche zdjec/ And some pictures
On the eve of her second birthday, I am putting up a few videos from the last few weeks. Marielle talks more and more in her own language and our languages as well. She is copying our behaviors more and more, whether those that are positive, or those we were not aware we were doing. Her hair grows and curls like crazy! She has a boyfriend now in daycare, Charlie, and they chase each other around. It's been nice and warm now, so we spend a lot more time outside chasing the ball and bubbles. Marielle is getting a tricycle from aunt Gosia, so there will be more skills to be learned.
Easter/ Wielkanoc
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