Friday, December 13, 2013


Bardzo dawno nie pisalam, glownie przez to ze koniec semestru nie pozostawil mi duzo czasu. No, ale teraz czas nadrobic zaleglosci. Marysi bardzo sie zlobek podoba, sama idzie do pani i jak po nia przychodzimy to jeszcze nam musi zabawki pokazac zanim pojdziemy. Ulubiony jest teraz samochod, oraz lustro, w ktorym przeglada sie caly czas. Maryska zaczyna coraz bardziej mowic, w obydwu jezykach, raczej ma jedne slowa w jednym jezyku, czyli "mleko" po polsku, a "ucho, oko, buzia" po angielsku itd.
Ponizej zdjecia z roznych okazji , ale rowniez duzo ze Swieta Dziekczynienia, ktore spedzilismy w Atlacie u Camerona. Amelia i Marysia bawily sie razem i Maryska bylo zafascynowana Amelia i wszystkim co ona robila.

I haven't written in a long time, mostly because of the end of the semester, and lack of time caused by it. Now, it's time to make up for lost time. Marielle likes the daycare very much, she stays with the ladies on her own and oftentimes goes on to show us some toys when we come get her before we leave. Her favorite things now are a toy car she can ride in and a mirror that she loves to watch herself in. She is starting to speak more and more in both languages, although they seem to be separated for now. For example, "milk" is only in Polish, but "ear, mouth, and nose" are only in English, and so on.
Below, pictures from various moments, but also from Thanksgiving that we spend at Cameron's. Amelia and Marielle were playing together very well, and Marielle was just fascinated by everything Amelia was doing.