This is a blog created by Halsey and Paulina Bounds To jest blog stworzony przez Halsey i Pauline Bounds
Friday, April 19, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Mleko i pilka/ Milk and soccer
Pare filmikow z ostatnich dni...zobaczcie sami:)
A few videos from the last few days..see it for yourself:)
A few videos from the last few days..see it for yourself:)
Sunday, April 7, 2013
I want to walk and smell the roses...Chodzic chce i kwiatki wachac
Marysia juz bardzo chce chodzic, ale na razie jeszcze musi sie trzymac, wiec jak tylko znajdzie sie okazja to chwyta za raczki i poszla.....Bylismy dzisiaj w parku to kwiatki wachala, a pozniej w domu pomagala mi w skladaniu prania:) Taka to niedziela:)
Marielle really wants to walk, but she can't yet on her own, so she grabs our hands and walks as much as she can...We went for a walk today at the park, and she was smelling the flowers, and later that day helping me folding the laundry...Lazy Sunday:)
Marielle really wants to walk, but she can't yet on her own, so she grabs our hands and walks as much as she can...We went for a walk today at the park, and she was smelling the flowers, and later that day helping me folding the laundry...Lazy Sunday:)
Monday, April 1, 2013
11 months/ 11 miesiecy
Jutro Maryska skonczy 11 miesiecy i jak zwykle, nadziwic sie nie mozemy jak szybko mala rosnie. Ostatnio nauczyla sie paru nowych rzeczy, ktore mozecie obejrzec na filmach. Na pierwszym filmiku widac jak mala je arbuza, a pod koniec uslyszycie "mnam mnam," ktore zaczela mowic od paru tygodni. Przypuszczamy, ze nauczyla sie ode mnie, bo jak ja karmie to zawsze mowie "mniam mniam," no i teraz to oznacza jedzenie, picie, albo smoka - czyli do buzi. Dzisiaj po raz pierwszy zaczela sie wspinac po schodach, takze oficjalnie czas na bamke na schodach. A na trzecim filmiku widac jak sie sama rozmiesza bo rzuca w tym wydaniu torebka, ale innymi rzeczami tez rzuca. A na ostatnim filmiku widac jak sie nauczyla klaskac i bawic buzia.
Tomorrow Marielle will be 11 months. As always, we comment on how time flies. Lately, she learned a few new things that we captured on video. On the first one, you will see her eating a watermelon and toward the end you can hear her saying "mnam mnam". She started to say that a couple of weeks ago and we figured that she learned that from me, as I always say "mniam mniam"(yummy) when I feed her. She says that when she eats/wants to eat, drink, or the paci. So, it looks like it is about the mouth:) Today, she climbed the stairs for the first time on her own, so we officially are in a need for a baby gate. On the third one, you can see how she makes herself laugh by throwing a ziplock with things in it. She does that to other things as well. On the last one you can see that she learned how to clap her hands and do the thing with her mouth (no idea how it is called).
Tomorrow Marielle will be 11 months. As always, we comment on how time flies. Lately, she learned a few new things that we captured on video. On the first one, you will see her eating a watermelon and toward the end you can hear her saying "mnam mnam". She started to say that a couple of weeks ago and we figured that she learned that from me, as I always say "mniam mniam"(yummy) when I feed her. She says that when she eats/wants to eat, drink, or the paci. So, it looks like it is about the mouth:) Today, she climbed the stairs for the first time on her own, so we officially are in a need for a baby gate. On the third one, you can see how she makes herself laugh by throwing a ziplock with things in it. She does that to other things as well. On the last one you can see that she learned how to clap her hands and do the thing with her mouth (no idea how it is called).
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