Saturday, February 23, 2013

Changes as the time goes by/ Zmiany, zmiany

Ostatnio popatrzelismy jak to sie zmieniamy razem z uplywajacym szczescie zmiany wydaja sie byc na lepsze...sami ocencie

Lately, we looked back at how we have changed over the years.... luckily it looks like to us that they have been can judge yourself


Monday, February 4, 2013

A present for 9 months/ Prezencik na 9 miesiac

Marysia juz bardzo ladnie raczkuje, poszla dzisiaj do kuchni za kotem i wrocila do duzego pokoju, rownizez za kotem. Na szczescie nie gonila jej po schodach do gory:) Gada po swojemu jak najeta. Siedzi sobie i sie bawi, potrafi z siedzenia zaczac raczkowac, w druga strone sie uczy, juz pare razy jej wyszlo. Bardzo lubi stac trzymajac sie kanapy. A ostatnio nauczyla sie pstrykac palcami. Takie to osiagniecia na 9 miesiecy. Ponizej dwa filmiki, jeden z kicia, ktora w koncu przyzwyczaila sie do Maryski. A drugi to filmki, ktory Holzik chcial nakrecic pewnie od dnia kiedy dowiedzielismy sie ze jestem w ciazy. Takze prosze...

Marielle is crawling pretty good now, today she crawled to the kitchen and back trying to catch the kitty. Fortunatel, she didn't try to chase her up the stairs. Her mouth just does not shut up much, she is speaking her own language now. She can sit very well, and go to crawling from sitting. She is learning the other way around now. She likes a lot to stand while holding on to the couch. Lately, she has learned how to flick her fingers. Those are the tricks that she knows as a 9 month old. Below, two videos, one shows Marielle and the kitty, as she has finally got used to the baby. And the second video is one that Halsey wanted to shot since we found out I was pregnant. So, here we go....