Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kisses and flowers from daddy/ Kwiaty i calusy od taty

Dzisiaj minelo 6 lat od naszego slubu i jak wspominalismy razem to duzo sie wydarzylo przez te lata.....zobaczymy co sie wydarzy przez kolejne. Ponizej zdjecie pieknych kwiatow od meza oraz krotki filmik z Marysia.

It has been 6 years since we got married today, and as we have been reminiscing, a lot of things have happened....we'll see what will happen in the years to come. Below, you will see the beautiful flowers I got and a short movie with Marielle.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Peekaboo/ A kuku

Tata bawi sie z Marysia w "a kuku". Po raz pierwszy sie rozesmiala! Widac tata zabawny jest:)

Daddy is playing with Marielle in Peekaboo, she laughed out loud for the first time! I guess daddy is real funny:)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Budze sie / This is how I wake up

Taki filmik jak sie mala i zaczela sie przewracac z brzucha na plecy i wkladac piesc do buzi. Jak nam sie uda zlapac na filmie to wyladuje to na blogu.

This is a movie showing her waking up...she also started to roll over from her belly and putting her fist to her mouth. Once we catch it on video, I will put it up here.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2 months/ 2 miesiace

Wczoraj minely dwa miesiace jak sie mala urodzila, dzisiaj bylismy na wizycie u lekarza. Mala rozwija sie pieknie, rosnie jak na drozdzach. Miezy 61 centymetrow i wazy ponda 6 kg (dokladnie 6120). Zaczela juz gaworzyc i usmiechac sie do ludzi, nawet usmiechnela sie dzisiaj do lekarza:) Ponizej dwa krotkie filmiki jak Marysia gada

Yesterday Marielle was 2 months old, and today we went to the doctor. She is developing great. She is 24 inches tall, and 13lbs and 8 oz heavy:). She started to coo and smile to people, she even smiled to the doctor today:) Below you will see two short films with her talking to us:)