Tuesday, January 24, 2012

24 weeks for daddy/ 24 tydzien dla taty

Pare dni temu Holzik po raz pierwszy poczul ruchy malej...pokopala go:)
No i nadal szukamy imienia...sugestie przyjmujemy..

A few days ago Halsey felt the baby move for the first time....she kicked him good:)
We are still looking for names....we take suggestions....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pierwsze mebelki/ First furniture

Dzisiaj dostalismy pierwsze mebelki do pokoju malej. Na razie stoja w takiej konfiguracji, zobaczymy czy tak zostana. Jeszcze z podstawowych rzeczy brakuje nam lozeczka, no a potem to juz szczegoly:)
Dziekujemy Andrea za mebelki!

Today, we got the first furniture for the baby's room. For now, we put them in this configuration, will see if it stays this way. So, the only other essential needed is the crib, and the rest is just details.
Thank you very much Andrea for the furniture!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Nowy Rok/ New Year

No to mamy 2012...czas leci jak szalony i wcale nie zwalnia. W 2011 duzo sie dzialo i byl to dobry rok, bo Holzik dostal prace, ja zmienilam prace na lepsza no i oczywiscie ciaza:) Bylismy bardzo zajeci, ale znalezlismy czas zeby troche wyjechac i odpoczac w Biltmore. Poza tym spedzilismy duzo czasu z rodzicami w Atlancie jak i w Savannie i Callaway Gardens.
A myslac o ciazy i ze bedzie to dziewczynka to wyszlo mi, ze wsrod moich kuzynow bylo nas tylko dwie dziewczyny z Goska, a teraz w nastepnym pokoleniu, mamy tylko dwoch chlopakow (Kuba i Michal). Zobaczymy czy ten trend bedzie kontynuowany.
No i ciagle szukamy imienia dla naszej malej, jesli macie jakies pomysly to piszcie, dzwonicie. Wszystkie zostana rozpatrzone :)
Wszystkim zyczymy wszystkiego najlpeszego w nowym roku a sobie zyczymy jak najwiecej snu po 10 Maja:)
Ponizej dwa zdjecia z Sylwestra, ktorego spedzilismy u Goski i Wojtka. Na pierwszymy tata pije z mala za nowy rok, a na drugim jak widac:)

Well, so we have 2012...time is flying like crazy and does not slow down. A lot was going on in 2011, and it was a good year, since Halsey got a new job, I changed mine to full time, and of course the pregnancy:) We were very busy, but we did find time to spend off together in Biltmore. Moreover, we spend a lot of time with my parents not only in Atlanta, but also in Savannah and Callaway Gardens.
I was thinking about the pregnancy and the fact that it is a girl the other day, and I realized that among my cousins, there were only the two of us girls (with Gosia), but in the next generation, the situation is reversed, as there are only two boys so far (Kuba and Michal). We will see if this trend will continue.
We are still on the look out for a name for our girl, so please write, call with suggestions. We will consider them all:)
We wish you all the best in the new year, and we wish for ourselves as much sleep we can get after May 10th:)
Below, two pictures from the New Year's Eve party at Gosia and Wojtek's. On the first one, daddy is toasting to the baby, and the second is self-exploratory:)

 21 tydzien (5 miesiac)/ 21 week (5th month)
 Dokladnie 4 miesiace odkad sie dowiedzielismy o ciazy
Also, exactly 4 moths since we found out