U nas juz po Swietach, wiec jest troche czasu zeby cos na blogu napisac. W tym roku, jak co roku od kilku lat, spedzalismy Swieta u Goski i obchodzilismy Wigilie razem z rodzina i przyjaciolmi. Byly to pierwsze Swieta Maryski, chyba jej sie podobalo, bo nawet wytrwala do rozpakowywania prezentow i bawila sie zabawkami od Gwiazdora. Przez caly pobyt bawila sie z Kuba i Pola, niesamowicie ja intryguja. Bawila sie rowniez ze swoja kuzynka Amelia, gdyz brat Holzika z rodzina odwiedzil nas dzien przed Wigilia. Bawilismy sie wszyscy super i chociaz teraz juz po Swietach, jest jeszcze Sylwester zanim na dobre wroce do pracy:) Duzo zdjec ponizej.
Now that Christmas is over, I have some time to post to the blog. This year, as it has been every year for the past few years, we spend Christmas as Gosia's, and we spend Christmas Eve with family and friends. It was Marielle's first Christmas, and I think she liked it, since she was still up for opening presents and enjoyed playing with some of the toys from Santa. Throughout our stay, she played with Pola and Kuba, you can tell that she is fascinated by them. She also played with her cousin Amelia, since Halsey's brother with the family visited us right before Christmas. So, we had a great time, and although Christmas is over, we still have New Year's Eve to party before I have to go back to work:)
With uncle Cameron/ Z wujkiem Cameronem
With auntie Alyshia/ Z ciocia Alyshia
With Pola, Kuba, and Amelia/ Z Pola, Kuba, i Amelia
Ten wpis taki pomieszany i poplatany. Troche zdjec w najnowszych wdziankach od babci Margaret. Poza tym bylismy dzisiaj na spacerze i pstryknelismy pare fajnych fotek malej, na jednej widac zabki, ktore sie w koncu na tyle wyrznely ze mozna im zdjecia robic:) Mala coraz bardziej przygotowuje sie do raczkowania, zaczyna sie kiwac na kolnach..juz niedlugo:) No i na koncu filmki jak mala zaczna kumac jak ze slomki pic, no i ma jeszcze pare rzeczy do powiedzenia:)
This post is a bit all over the place. Some pictures are showing the latest outfits from MaMar (did I get that right?). Also, we went for a walk today and took some really cute pictures. You can finally see the teeth, as they grew out enough to be visible. She is getting closer and closer to crawling, she is now rocking back and forth on all fours..it won't be long. And at the end, a short video showing her starting to figure out how to drink out of a straw. She has some things to say as well:)
Ponizej filmik jak to mala powtarza po tacie, a na koncu juz ma dosc wiec uslyszycie "nie, nie." Jak widac, Maryska siedzi juz bardzo dobrze sama i bardzo lubi siedziec. Poza tym pare zdjec z ostatnich dni.
Here is a short movie with Marielle repeating after daddy, and at the end she is done and you can hear "nie, nie" (which is "no, no" in Polish). As you can see, she is sitting well on her own now, and she likes it a lot. And a few pictures from recent days.
Tak bym wygladala w dlugich, cetkowanych wlosach:) / This is how I would look like with long, animal print hair
A na to wchodze ja..cala w bieli/ And then I come in...dressed all in white
Wczoraj bylo Swieto Dziekczynienia i obchodzilismy je w Atenach po raz pierwszy odkad tu mieszkamy. Przyjechala do nas mama Holzika i obchodzilismy to swieto razem. Po raz pierwszy gotowalam niektore tradycyjne potrawy, chociaz w tym roku nie odwazylam sie jeszcze piec indyka, takze przyjechal gotowy z Atlanty. Jedzenie wyszlo pyszne, dzidzia byla niesamowicie grzeczna i bardzo zainteresowana nowym gosciem, wiec pelen sukces
. Zamierzalysmy z tesciowa wybrac sie o polnocy na zakupy w czasie najwiekszych wyprzedarzy w roku. Jednak nie zdecydowalysmy sie po tym jak Holzik przejechal sie wieczorem zeby zobaczyc czy sa kolejki, no i okazalo sie ze wyglada na to, ze wszyscy mieszkancy Aten wybrali sie na zakupy. Wiec zamiast tego odpalilysmy komputer i w zaciszu naszej kanapy zakupilismy ciuszki dla Maryski przez Internet. Natomist dzisiaj rano wybralysmy sie do sklepu i zrobilismy reszte zakupow. Tym razem nie bylo prawie ludzi (pewnie odsypiali), wiec poszlo nam bardzo sprawnie.
Ponizej zdjecia z wczoraj i dzisiaj, oraz troche zdjec z ostatnich tygodni i filmikow. Maryska przygotowuje sie do raczkowania, siedzi juz coraz lepiej i gada coraz wiecej. No i ma drugiego zeba:)
It was Thanksgiving yesterday, and we have celebrated it for the first time ever in Athens. Halsey's mom came over and we spend this holiday together. Also for the first time, I have cooked some of the traditional dishes, but I was not brave enough yet to tackle baking the turkey, so it arrived cooked from Atlanta. The food came out very good, Marielle was an angel, and she enjoyed the new guest in the house, so full success. We intended to go the Black Friday Shopping with Margaret, but after Halsey took a drive to see how things are looking, and it turned out the everybody in Athens went shopping, we turned on the computer and did all of our shopping online in the comfort of our own couch. This way Marielle is set for Xmas:) Today in the morning, we went for more shopping and it was great, as almost nobody was there (I guess everybody was still sleeping it off), so we were very effective:)
Below, some pictures from yesterday and today, as well from the last few weeks. Marielle is getting ready for crawling and she is sitting up better and better. And she has two teeth now:)
Tak wygladaismy na Swieto Dziekczynienia 2011
This is us at Thanksgiving 2011
A tak wygadamy rok pozniej na Swieto Dziekczyniania 2012
And this is us at Thanksgiving 2012
Inne zdjecia z wczoraj
Some other pictures from yesterday