No to wszystko u nas dojrzewa..Dziecko ma juz 8 tygodni a nasze warzywka 12 tygodni. No i w koncu sa prawie gotowe do jedzenia. A nasze pomidory zachowuja sie jak blizniaki rozlaczone przy porodzie jak w dobrej brazylijskiej telenoweli. Tydzien temu zerwalam jednego zielonego pomidora myslac, ze moze dojrzeje szybciej w domu. Ale zaczal sie zolcic dokladnie tego samego dnia co reszta.
A tak a propos warzywek to dziecko podobno jest rozmiaru fasolki :) No i pare zdjec zalaczam. Widac pomidorki, papryczke, no i cukinie. Jak je zjemy to sie podziele doswiadczeniami.
Well, it seems that everything is ripening around here. Baby is 8 weeks old and our vegetables are 12 weeks old. They are almost ready to be eaten. Surprisingly, our tomatoes behave like a long-lost twins (just as in a good telenovela on TeleMundo:) I picked one of the green tomatoes and brought it home, hoping that it will ripe quicker. However, it started to turn yellow on the same day as the rest of it's siblings.
And speaking of vegetables, our baby is the size of a bean. And I put some pictures, you can see tomatoes, bell papers, and zucchinis. Once we eat them, I'll tell you how they tasted like.
This is a blog created by Halsey and Paulina Bounds To jest blog stworzony przez Halsey i Pauline Bounds
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Dzieki za zyczenia / Thanks for all the wishes
Dziekujemy za zyczenia i na blogu i przez mejla. Dzien za dniem czuje sie lepiej albo gorzej:) Jeszcze pare tygodni i moze w koncu bede miala energie zeby cos na razie to glownie skupiam sie na tym jak tu wykombinowac dobra okazje do drzemki:)
W ostatni wikend obchodzilismy urodziny Holzika. Impreza byla huczna, szczegolnie ze to pierwszy wikend Holzika bez pracy w wikend. Takze wszyscy jedli i pili (no oprocz mnie:)
Thank you very much for all the wishes on the blog and through email. Everyday I feel a little better or a little worse:) But few more weeks and maybe finally then I will have energy to so something...anything at all...for now my main concern is how and when I can squeeze a nap:)
Last weekend though, we celebrated Halsey's birthday. The party was big and great, especially that it was the first weekend for Halsey not having to work. So, everyone ate and drank a lot (well, except for the drinking for me:)
W ostatni wikend obchodzilismy urodziny Holzika. Impreza byla huczna, szczegolnie ze to pierwszy wikend Holzika bez pracy w wikend. Takze wszyscy jedli i pili (no oprocz mnie:)
Thank you very much for all the wishes on the blog and through email. Everyday I feel a little better or a little worse:) But few more weeks and maybe finally then I will have energy to so something...anything at all...for now my main concern is how and when I can squeeze a nap:)
Last weekend though, we celebrated Halsey's birthday. The party was big and great, especially that it was the first weekend for Halsey not having to work. So, everyone ate and drank a lot (well, except for the drinking for me:)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Pierwsze USG/ First Ultrasound
Dzisiaj bylismy na pierwszym USG
Today we went to the first Ultrasound
Poczatek/ The Beginning
No to zaczynamy....niby kazdy powod jest dobry zeby zaczac bolga, ale teraz mamy bardzo dobry powod zeby zaczac bloga...31 sierpnia dowiedzilismy sie ze bedzie nowy dodatek do naszej rodziny, jak widac na zdjeciu ponizej.
So, this is where we start. It seems like any reason is a good reason to start a blog, but now we have a very good reason to start one...On August 31st we found out the we will have a new addition to our family, as you can see on the picture below.
Jak na razie wszystko przebiega zgodnie z planem i jestem caly czas zmeczona i jest mi niedobrze...Holzik musial zmienic wode po goloeniu, bo mi sie zmienilo upodobanie wraz z ciaza:)
So far everything is going according to the plan, so I am tired all the time and I feel nauseous...Halsey had to change his aftershave cause I can't stand it since I got pregnant.
So, this is where we start. It seems like any reason is a good reason to start a blog, but now we have a very good reason to start one...On August 31st we found out the we will have a new addition to our family, as you can see on the picture below.
Jak na razie wszystko przebiega zgodnie z planem i jestem caly czas zmeczona i jest mi niedobrze...Holzik musial zmienic wode po goloeniu, bo mi sie zmienilo upodobanie wraz z ciaza:)
So far everything is going according to the plan, so I am tired all the time and I feel nauseous...Halsey had to change his aftershave cause I can't stand it since I got pregnant.
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